Water & Sanitation

Chlorination of Wells at Beledweyne

Location: Beledweyne

The AFDAN team was tasked with chlorinating four wells located in Beledweyne town. The goal of this activity was to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the water supply in the community.

  1. Walalow Well: The team arrived at Walalow Well and conducted a thorough assessment of the water quality. Chlorination was carried out using approved methods and standards to eliminate any potential contaminants. Post-chlorination tests were conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.
  2. Hospital Well: After completing the chlorination process at Walalow Well, the team proceeded to the Hospital Well. Similar procedures were followed here, with a focus on maintaining sanitation protocols to prevent any cross-contamination.
  3. Barqadle Well: The third well on the list underwent a meticulous chlorination procedure. The team ensured that all necessary safety measures were in place throughout the process to safeguard both the workers and the surrounding environment.
  4. Ahmed Cadar Well: The final well was also treated with chlorine to purify the water and make it suitable for consumption. The team remained diligent in adhering to chlorination guidelines to achieve optimal results.

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The team successfully completed the chlorination of all four wells in Beledweyne as per the assigned task. 

By implementing rigorous chlorination protocols, AFDAN aims to contribute to the improved health and well-being of the local community by providing access to clean and safe drinking water.

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